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Margarida Filipe Ramos
Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres
Vol. 02 No. 018 (2014), Bank of best practices, pages 75-85
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015 Published: Dec 15, 2014
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The present enquiry aims at making a reflection over the role of museums while educators for the values and more concretely of its importance in regards to the environmental and citizenship values. We will be presenting the case study of the Water Museum of Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres (EPAL), through the analysis of its dynamic with schools and more specifically through the analysis of the materials produced by the students in the annual competition promoted by this institution.
Culture, family, religion and the society in general where the individual is inserted, all these factors are influences to the values. We believe that the museum should assume its social responsibility beyond the traditional point of view, of divulging and preserving the patrimony and assume itself as an agent of change and an educator for the values.


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