The transmission of Archaeological Heritage through Interpretation. A case study focusing on the Open Archaeological Museum of Carnota (A Coruña, Galicia)
archaeological heritage, cultural tourism, archaeological tourism, Heritage Interpretation.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present the importance of Heritage Interpretation for heritage promotion, and specifically, archaeological heritage with a tourist purpose. This Museum was chosen due to its increasing interest over the last years, in terms of valuing cultural heritage (excavations, improvement of accessibility, signalling...). Nevertheless, the Open Museum resources are in a risk of vulnerability and bad conservation if we consider the increment of visitors, both local population and tourists, because of the lack of a good management planning. It should therefore be developed a behaviour intervention plan in the resource, as it was valued for a spontaneous leisure use and not from a tourist perspective. In this context, the study used qualitative techniques, such as participant observation and in-depth interview, to evaluate the present situation. Finally, some conclusions are presented as well as a pre-interpretive proposal that could constitute a future planning basis.
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