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Anxo Serafín Porto Ucha
University of Santiago de Compostela
Raquel Vázquez Ramil
University of Valladolid
Vol. 21 (2017), Monograph. School teacher purge, pages 31-72
Submitted: Oct 12, 2018 Accepted: Oct 12, 2018 Published: Oct 15, 2018
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In this paper, we deal with the teachers’ purge in the province of Pontevedra. We start from our previous publications since the beginning of 2000, by way of books, papers and communications to congresses, articles in journals, presence in different local forums and institutional events, summer courses, press, etc., with new refinements and progresses, product of the constant attention to the issue.
From the temporal point of view, the process of purge extends basically between 1936 and1942, although the review of the sanctions imposed began before the end of the civil war, and in some noted cases it was extended until the 70s.
In terms of the sources consulted, we offer new contributions through the sources to whichwe had access, including the oral ones, very important for the study of this topic related to the recovery of historical memory.


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