Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17979/arec.2019.3.2

Published: 2019-12-09

Table of contents

Inquiry-based learning about physical and chemical changes during initial high school teacher training

  • Iñigo Rodríguez-Arteche
  • Ana I. Bárcena Martín
  • David Rosa Novalbos
  • M. Mercedes Martínez-Aznar
Published: Jun 17, 2019
Pages 1-20

The kinetic-corpuscular model and the scientific practices: a proposal based on thermal expansion

  • Maria Roser Nebot Castelló
  • Conxita Márquez Bargalló
Published: Jun 17, 2019
Pages 21-35

How do emotions change in teachers in initial training when participating in a classroom inquiry project?

  • Diego Armando Retana Alvarado
  • María Ángeles de las Heras Pérez
  • Bartolomé Vázquez-Bernal
  • Roque Jiménez-Pérez
Published: Oct 2, 2019
Pages 55-69

What relationship does it exist in pre-service teachers´ ideas between inquiry and assessment in science education?

  • MªJosé Sáez Bondía
  • Ángel Luis Cortés Gracia
  • María José Gil Quílez
  • Begoña Martínez Peña
  • Santos Orejudo Hernández
Published: Oct 14, 2019
Pages 93-108