The value levels of high school students regarding physical education and sports activities
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The aim of the present study was to comprehend the value level of high school students regarding PE and sports lesson activities, and to understand if that value significantly differs according to sex, participation in school sports, participation in sports clubs, and grade. In a combined analysis, students demonstrated an appreciation for the five items focused on in the questionnaire (success, respect, national culture and unity, sportsmanship and sports culture), indicating values around 4 out of 5. In the sex analysis, only the intensity differed, with the order of valorization remaining the same, with respect being the highest, followed closely by success, and sportsmanship coming last. Those actively involved in sports tended to place a higher value on success, while individuals who did not participate valued respect more. Success was only prioritized over respect at the age of 11. The positions from third to fifth place in terms of appreciation consistently remained in the order: national culture and unity, sports culture, and sportsmanship. The PE class can be very enriching in developing values in students by promoting problem-solving situations to stimulate reflection. Therefore, merely participating in the class is not enough; the teacher must actively create these situations and encourage dialogue.
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