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Fátima Chacón Borrego
University of Sevilla
Ricardo Ortega Jiménez
University of Sevilla
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022), Didactic experiences, pages 81-106
Submitted: Oct 20, 2021 Accepted: Nov 20, 2021 Published: Dec 27, 2021
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In the present article, a teaching innovation proposal in the area of Physical Education was elaborated and developed, in which the innovative methodology of gamification was used to work on alternative sports in the first year of secondary education. Gamification is a methodology that manages to improve one of the most important aspects for the students learning, such as motivation. Through this intervention it is intended to offer an educational resource that helps to improve the motivation and involvement of the students in Physical Education classes in accordance with the existing research background on gamification. In this proposal, the alternative sports "Juego de Palas" and "Ultimabola" were worked through a gamified didactic unit based on the Harry Potter universe, with the aim of improving the technical-tactical elements of these sports and showing skills and attitudes of respect, teamwork and sportsmanship. The proposal was methodologically divided into four interconnected parts that include, in turn, the necessary instruments to evaluate the students about the contents worked on, these parts being the individual magical performance, the collective magical performance, the magical attitude and the magical diary. The results indicate that good learning results were obtained as well as a great involvement of the students in both individual and collective performances.


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