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Víctor Arufe Giráldez
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019), Didactic experiences, pages 323-350
Submitted: Apr 25, 2019 Accepted: Apr 30, 2019 Published: Apr 30, 2019
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The Physical Education classroom becomes an optimal setting for the work of multiple contents that positively affect the social, affective, emotional, psychic and physical development of the students. Gaming, videogames and innovation can be a good way to improve the learning of curricular contents in students. Through this innovative and gamification proposal, Physical Education teachers are offered a didactic adaptation of the successful and famous video game Fortnite, a video game that has attracted the attention of millions of players around the world, especially children and adolescents. A new sports game called Fortnite EF is created for this purpose. Its objective is to work on different contents of the primary and secondary education curriculum, boosting motivation and enjoyment in sports practice, preventing violent behaviour and working on different values. It presents the complete development of the didactic proposal and develops a methodological approach to research based on the collection of data through questionnaires passed on to future university teachers. The results confirm a greater motivation towards the practice of sport, a better work of values and prevention of violent behaviours during the game as well as an innovative way of working different contents of the curriculum through a new sport game, being defined by the participants in the study as very intense, dynamic, fun and stimulating as well as affirming close to 95% of those surveyed that it is a fast game, full of stimuli and with a high level of motor commitment. 


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