The relationship between coaches’ leadership type in fixed seat rowing, the number of regattas rowed and athletes’ satisfaction.
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Traineras rowing is a type of rowing where the boats compete in the open sea. This study aims to examine the relationship between the coach’s leadership in fixed seat rowing and the athletes' satisfaction, to which rower participation is added as a covariable. Four teams with a total 66 elite rowers (age: 28.0 ± 5.5 years) and their four coxswains (age: 36.1 ± 1.1 years) took part in this study. Two versions (preferences and perceptions) of the Leadership Scale for Sports-LSS which had been adapted to Spanish were used to evaluate the coxswains' leadership and its relationship with the rowers' satisfaction. The Spanish translation of the Athletic Satisfaction Questionnaire-ASQ was also used. In addition to leadership, which showed statistically significant relationships with the satisfaction factors taken as a whole (p=>.001), and with numerous dimensions of the scale, the number of regatas also showed statistical associations with the athletes’ general satisfaction (p=.018). The data obtained confirm the congruence hypothesis posed in the Multidimensional Model of Leadership (MML) and, in view of the differences in leadership found, the need for future interventions to improve coxswains in this sport.
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