Perceived parental educational styles and birth order in athletes
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The objective of this research was to know the differences in perceived parental educational styles in athletes and physical activity practitioners in function of birth order. The sample consisted of 492 Spanish athletes and physical activity practitioners. To measure the different variables were used, an ad hoc sociodemographic questionnaire, the Multifactor Self-Assessment Test of Child Adjustment and the Oviedo Scale of Infrequency of Response. The results showed higher levels of maternal permissiveness (p<.05) and paternal restriction (p<.05) in athletes and physical activity practitioners firstborn and only children. On the other hand, when only athletes were examined, the results showed higher levels of mother permissiveness (p<.05), in firstborn and only children. When physical activity practitioners were analysed, there no significant differences (p>.05) were found between parental educational style variables and the birth position of the children. It was concluded that athletes and physical activity practitioners born in first place received an education with greater mother permissiveness and father restriction.
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