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  • Varius organitations
Varius organitations
Vol. 27 No. 2 (2020), Documents, pages 103-109
Submitted: Apr 22, 2021 Published: May 10, 2021
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The Corona Covid-19 virus pandemic is a planetary call for attention from Earth to humanity.
They remind us that we are one with the Earth, that we are not separate from it, that we are not its owners, masters, and conquerors, nor that we are superior to other species, such as the anthropocentric dogma they want us to believe.
The pandemic reminds us that we violate the rights of the Earth and all its species at our own risk and that it would be prudent to consider the ancestral knowledge and wisdom of indigenous peoples, guardians of the Earth over time, whose deep respect for the Earth is based in the awareness of lifelong interconnectivity. Damaging a piece means damaging the whole.
This pandemic is not a "natural disaster", just as the species extinction crisis and climate extremes are not "natural disasters". Outbreaks of emerging diseases are anthropogenic, caused by human activities.


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