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  • Cidadas e cidadãos do Povo da Terra
Cidadas e cidadãos do Povo da Terra
Vol. 02 No. 022 (2016), Documents, pages 81-83
Submitted: Feb 19, 2018 Accepted: Feb 19, 2018 Published: Dec 15, 2016
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We, citizens of the People of the Earth, of all countries, cultures and traditions, gathered in Paris at this historic moment, witness the climate imbalance and the degradation of natural resources essential for life on Earth and the growing inequality among human beings , we are determined to preserve the ability to live of present and future generations. Empowered by our knowledge and cultures and having mobilized our ability to act on multiple initiatives around the world with a view to the Great Transition, we see with concern the inadequacy and inability of the United Nations negotiation process from 1992 to 2015 to make an ambitious agreement, brave and convincing to avoid further consequences of a climate imbalance announced long ago by scientists, and whose disastrous effects are now evident.


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