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María Barba Nuñez
Grupo SEPAUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela
M. Carmen Morán de Castro
Grupo SEPAUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela
Pablo A. Meira Cartea
Grupo SEPA Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 02 No. 020 (2015), Environmental education, field identity and public policies, pages 33-48
Submitted: May 30, 2016 Accepted: May 30, 2016 Published: Dec 14, 2015
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In a socio-economic and political context such as the current one, which demands transformation towards other models of society, environmental education in Galicia, which could be a powerful tool for change, is suffering a worrying setback compared to achievements in previous decades (SGEA , 2011). This article seeks to shed some light on this reality, presenting some of the main conclusions of the research "Environmental education in Galicia: sociobiographical analysis of its construction as a field", doctoral thesis conducted in the framework of the USC SEPA Research Group, with charge to the aids of the Galician Plan 2011/2015 (Call 2011). The text includes those interpretive points that contribute to the line of reflection proposed at the III International Congress of Environmental Education of Portuguese-speaking Countries and Communities, around the paradox of a loss of weight of environmental education in environmental and educational policies while worsening of the problems that constitute the environmental crisis. Behind the official deterministic discourses, which argue and justify the dismantling of the camp on the basis of "necessary" and "inevitable" austerity policies, hide dynamics and power struggles that have been conditioning its trajectory and that are interesting to make explicit.


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