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Alicia Fernández Rodríguez
Real Jandín Juan Carlos I. Universidade de Alcalá (España)
Vol. 01 No. 015-016 (2013), Bank of best practices, pages 93-106
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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In order to determine whether students met the objectives set out in a lesson plan we have to make use of the evaluation, a complex but essential task. Occasionally, in “Learning Outside the Classroom” (LOtC) environments, assessment is not carried out or performed very briefly. The main causes identified were lack of training on assessment from educators and the lack of time, since students visiting environmental education centres do it only sporadically, so tracking their progress becomes an arduous task. On the contrary, there are several applicable methods to successfully assess inquiry-based activities in LOtC environments. Through the European INQUIRE Project, whose aim has been to extend Inquiry-Based Science Education across Europe, we have implemented some of these assessment methods: such as concept maps, mind maps, concept cartoons, questionnaires, observation and direct questions.


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