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Clotilde Escudero
Seminario de Equipamentos de Educación Ambiental do CENEAM (España)
Miquel F. Oliver
Seminario de Equipamentos de Educación Ambiental do CENEAM (España)
Araceli Serantes
Seminario de Equipamentos de Educación Ambiental do CENEAM (España)
Vol. 01 No. 015-016 (2013), Trajectories and challenges, pages 67-81
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Professionalism is one of the topics that sparked debate and reflection on the past decade in the Spanish territory. The White Paper on Environmental Education in Spain recommended boost and professional recognition of environmental educators. From the Permanent Seminars CENEAM various revisions and proposals were drawn up, always from the perspective of the seminar topic. The Environmental Education facilities was agreed to conduct a study of state level, in which the views of both professionals who were working on the centre, as the heads of the various administrations pick. The objectives, methodology and conclusions estudy presented in this article.


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