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Yanina Micaela Sammarco
Universidade Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Javier Benayas del Álamo
Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
Marcos Sorrentino
Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
Vol. 01 No. 015-016 (2013), Trajectories and challenges, pages 43-65
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Nowadays society faces a great global environmental crisis due to the conflicts about the different uses of land. Thus environmental education has become an important tool for critical and transforming educational processes which considers the emancipation, the identity, the belonging and the solidarity as instruments to promote the necessary changes. The study done on the Tietê-Jacaré basin is part of a socio-environmental research which investigates the role of protected areas in searching of solutions through social changes in these areas. The goal was to promote the participating management of this landscape through the collective building up of a didatic material about environmental education and the forming processes for its multiplication. The disconstruction and recons truction of these hydric areas meanings, considering the landscape perception and interpretation, was fundamental to the meeting of different interests and the understanding of their multifunctional aspects. Among the main results, we can observe that the environmental education and the landscape helped the forming of social-environmental partners who could collaborate with the participating and educational management of the watershed and its protected areas through a greater perception of these territories as social-environmental and educating landscapes.


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