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Gustavo Nogueira Lemos
Consultor de Educação Ambiental
Renata Rozando Maranhão
Departamento de Educação Ambiental do Ministerio de Meio Ambiente (Brasil)
Vol. 02 No. 06 (2008), Bank of best practices, pages 171-188
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Environmental education is an essential strategy to challenge the current civilization crisis. The forest nursery provides a good example of structure in the development of educational activities and learning opportunities. Learning processes, guided by educational elements and combined with training, can provide critical awareness in the issues involved. Critical reflection on the issues raised stimulates people to take actions towards the collective wellbeing as well as review values, methods and goals. Each one should pursue the challenge of seed production and further develop in other areas deliberately dedicated to the community wellbeing, which is coping with the environmental issues, and affect on the quality of life.


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