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Carlos Vales
Director do CEIDA (Galicia-España)
Vol. 02 No. 06 (2008), Trajectories and challenges, pages 67-93
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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The forestry park concept is presented as a design project based on the favourable circumstances which exists on public property land and managed by forestry administration. The land in question is closely situated to the reference centre of environmental education in Galicia, CEIDA, which can pro vide the infrastructure and equipment necessary for social and educational use. This area has the potential to attract public interest as a periphery park and broaden the educative resources available locally. Furthermore this land has environmental potential providing both forestry replications and high quality conservational values. In summary, this project promotes the periphery forest garden as an important instrument for social and educational use, providing the environmental equipment needed to encourage the new forest culture within galician society. The oportunity value of the site is explored as a reference to biodiversity conservation and environmental forest research it is designed too, as a tool to introduce Galicia to the world prometing international cooperation.


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