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Franciso Sóñora Luna
Director do Proxecto Climántica. Consellería de Medio Ambiente-Xunta de Galicia
Vol. 01 No. 03 (2007), Bank of best practices, pages 119-140
Submitted: Jul 1, 2015
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Climántica is an environmental education project that approaches all environmental problems in relation to climate change. It represents one of the four pillars on which the Galician Action Plan against Climate Change (Plano Galego de Acción contra o Cambio Climático) is based (see figure 1). The remaining three pillars are mitigation, research and adaptation. It started with the publication of eight books structured as teaching units, the first of which deals generally with the issue of climate change. The other seven books cover energy, waste, the water cycle, biodiversity, the territory, the rural environment and the urban environment. These general teaching units fuel the entire project, and their contents are the bases for comic strips, magazines, documentaries, and multimedia resources for autonomous learning through the website,

This project is aimed at the general public through the website, where besides having access to all educational contents, visitors also have the opportunity to ask questions, give their opinions and participate in discussions through a blog. However, the starting point is secondary education, since the authors teach at this level and consider it a key stage to begin a thorough scientific study of such a global, complex and interdisciplinary issue. For the time being, the approach in primary education is to appeal to children’s imagination through comic strips, animated short films and educational video games. University education is another area, which will be targeted in the coming academic year.


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