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Enrique Leff
Director da Rede de Fomación Ambiental para America Latina e Caribe.PNUMA
Vol. 01 No. 03 (2007), Theoretical frameworks, pages 7-17
Submitted: Jul 1, 2015
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The approach to environmental complexity in this text dissociates itself from the notions of physis generativity, the ecologization of the mind, the sciences of complexity, interdisciplinary methods and complex thought. Environmental complexity is conceived from the perspective of a crisis of knowledge, the objectification of the world, the intervention of knowledge about nature, and the appearance of hybrid entities that go beyond the traditional meaning of ontology and epistemology. Environmental rationality is based on a new meeting of the real and the symbolic, on the resignification of the world and nature, on a network of relationships of otherness among beings, and on a dialogue of knowledge, where the being is reconfigured, its identities are reconstituted, and new social actors are created within a policy of difference guided by the desire for knowledge and justice in the social reappropriation of the world and nature.


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