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Gabriel Pinto
Universidad de Atacama
Laura Flores
Universidad de Concepción
Rodrigo Martínez
Museo del Meteorito
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020), Innovation in science education, pages 63-72
Submitted: Dec 5, 2019 Accepted: May 13, 2020 Published: Dec 1, 2020
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Science museums are important centers of non-formal education throughout the world. The Chile Meteorite Museum, belonging to this group, is focused on the communication and dissemination of meteorite sciences through its exhibition and research. Its location in the town of San Pedro de Atacama is contextualized with its museographic topic due to the high percentage of meteorites found on the surfaces of the Atacama Desert. This article analyzes the Chilean Meteorite Museum under its educational and scientific value and its relationship with the communication of meteorite science in Chile. Therefore a sociodemographic record and the interest of the visits to the museum are examined. Finally, a balance is made of the literacy role of the Chilean Meteorite Museum.


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