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Ester Mateo González
Universidad de Zaragoza
Luis Miguel Ferrer Bueno
Universidad de Zaragoza
Beatriz Mazas Gil
Universidad de Zaragoza
Esther Cascarosa Salillas
Universidad de Zaragoza
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020), Innovation in science education, pages 51-62
Submitted: Oct 9, 2019 Accepted: May 13, 2020 Published: Dec 1, 2020
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This work shows the design, planning, classroom implementation and analysis of a multisensory experience where scientific contents are worked with children of Early Childhood Education. The first objective is to educate students by means of an exploration experience in which they use the five senses in a simultaneous way and they enjoy with the sensations offered through the manipulation of natural materials. The second aim is to achieve that teachers value the sensory education in science in a positively way and they recognize its irreplaceable didactic value in the teaching-learning process. This work is analysed studying how the activity allows students to experiment, to feel, to think and to describe the properties of the materials of their immediate environment through the five senses. Finally, a proposal of scientific content is provided to work sensory education, trying to increase the possibilities of exploration and the sensory vocabulary of both, students and teachers, for describing objects and sensations in other contexts


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