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Francisco Javier Perales Palacios
Universidad de Granada
David Aguilera
Universidad de Granada
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020), Research in science education, pages 1-15
Submitted: Dec 3, 2019 Accepted: Jan 21, 2020 Published: Jan 24, 2020
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The present work tries to elucidate the possible relations between two educational movements of unquestionable relevance in Science Education throughout the last decades, one of them more pioneer, known as Science-Technology-Society (STS) and another recent, Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM). For this we start from a concretion of its origins, objectives, characteristics, lines of work and didactic proposals in each of them. Then, again supported by a bibliographic review, we establish the comparisons between the two from the sections referred to above. Such comparison leads us to question the relationship between the two and the originality of the STEM proposal, together with the difficulties that its implementation entails.


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