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Macarena Soto
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Digna Couso
Víctor López Simó
María Isabel Hernández
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017), Research in science education, pages 90-106
Submitted: Mar 10, 2017 Accepted: Jun 6, 2017 Published: Jul 18, 2017
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We present a research about the appropriation of the model of energy by 4th ESO students that participate in a modeling labwork-based workshop dealing with the ideas of energy transfer, conservation and degradation, identifying different degrees of sophistication in the use of the model of energy by students and some conceptual boundaries necessary to be crossed. We use this analysis to iteratively refine the workshop (Design-based research perspective). We find that most of students move from an energy transformation-based explanation to an energy transfer-based explanation, and this improvement is substantially bigger after introducing several didactic changes in the teaching and learning proposal. In particular, graphical/linguistic didactic artifacts that scaffold students’ way of looking at phenomena from the model of energy perspective show especially efficient.


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