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Pablo Menéndez-Cuervo
IES David Vázquez Martínez. Pola de Laviana. Asturias
José Miguel Vílchez-González
Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. Universidad de Granada
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024), Research in science education
Submitted: Apr 4, 2024 Accepted: Jul 29, 2024 Published: Dec 2, 2024
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Despite the acknowledged importance of scientific knowledge and the increasing presence of technology in all aspects of our lives, student interest in science has declined significantly. Traditional methodologies no longer capture their attention, motivate them or demonstrate the usefulness of science in solving problems of an increasingly interdisciplinary nature. The aim of this pilot study is to analyse attitudes towards science among third-year secondary school students, based on a sample of four students from a Learning and Performance Improvement Programme. The students were surveyed before and after their participation in three STEM projects. They reported increased interest in science and a new sense of enjoyment and appreciation of science, though their scientific vocation remained unchanged. While not all of the goals of STEM education were achieved, therefore, the results show that participation in projects of this kind can lead to improved scientific literacy and attitudes towards science.


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