Protestant Space-Continuity

Architectural–Structural–Liturgical Coherences of the Hungarian Protestant Church Architecture in the 20th Century


  • Eszter Baku Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Erzsébet Urbán Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Zorán Vukoszávlyev Budapest University of Technology and Economics



church architecture, protestant typology, modern architecture, centralised plan, Hungary


Intensive efforts started in the last decades to get to know the Central and Eastern European and the Hungarian church architecture. In this historically depressed period (1920/1945/1989), church buildings were important identity forming potencies in the life of the Protestant communities newly emerged by the rearrangement of country's borders. The modern architectural principles, the structural and liturgical questions gave opportunity for continuous experimentations in the examined period, which resulted a centralizing tendency between the two world wars. Analysing the Protestant space organization, it is verifiable that these centralizing tendencies with identification character did not pull out from the de-emphasizing church architecture in spite of the historical–political events of World War II. The primary importance of the study is the holistic examination of the Protestant church architecture of the 20th century. The study shows the Protestant Church activity of the period through the two most significant denominations —the Calvinist and the Lutheran church architecture—, thereby providing a typological approach.


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How to Cite

Baku, E., Urbán, E., & Vukoszávlyev, Z. (2017). Protestant Space-Continuity: Architectural–Structural–Liturgical Coherences of the Hungarian Protestant Church Architecture in the 20th Century. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 122–131.