The liturgy as programme

First Panel Discussion


  • Esteban Fernández-Cobián Universidade da Coruña
  • Ignacio Vicéns Hualde Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Giorgio Della Longa Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Walter Zahner Sociedad Alemana de Arte Cristiano de Munich



liturgy, sacred space, religious architecture, design, Vatican II


I think it is very positive that controversial issues have been generated, questions, concerns. Of course, my intervention had no other purpose than to fully open up the range of problems that are currently being worked on, in line with the issues that have been dealt with throughout the 20th century and also based on definitions I tried to make them very precise - of what is meant by sacredness, by liturgy and by church. From there, the possibility of dialogue and discussions remains open.

I have said in my speech that both architects and current liturgists - I do not remember if I said it that way, so clear -, each one in his field is the son of a revolution, that is, of a movement that has made a request for a principle about a certain discipline and arrogates to himself the absolute truth. It is very difficult that intellectual positions like these come to be understood. That is why dialogue between modern architects and modern liturgists is so difficult.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Cobián, E., Vicéns Hualde, I., Della Longa, G., & Zahner, W. (2007). The liturgy as programme: First Panel Discussion. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 1, 92–105.