Influence of sports habits on adolescent sleep knowledge, quality and hygiene
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Sports habits are essential for the sleep of the adolescent in the high school. This study analyses the influence of sports practice on three variables: sleep knowledge, sleep quality and sleep hygiene. The 145 adolescents (M = 16.72; SD = 0.74) in the sample reported low sleep knowledge (SBS = 12.04), poor sleep quality (AYA-PSQI-S = 8.36) and improvable sleep hygiene (ASHSr = 4.26). However, 83.6% of physically active students showed higher total scores on all three variables, assuming significant differences (p < 0.05) in sleep duration and sleep efficiency compared to sedentary students. Moreover, exercise prevents poor sleep quality and enhance sleep hygiene. On the other hand, high intensity of physical activity correlates with better performance in the sleep duration dimension and a higher self-concept, considering that late practice hours are negatively related to dinner time, delaying rest. The sporting habit has a positive influence on the sleep knowledge, quality and hygiene of adolescents, betting on strength exercise, at submaximal intensities and as far as possible away from bedtime.
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