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Melissa Bergmann
Associação São-Borjense de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural
Darci Bergmann
Associação São-Borjense de Proteção ao Ambiente Natural
Vol. 02 No. 020 (2015), Environmental education, interpretation and conservation, pages 437-449
Submitted: Jun 9, 2016 Published: Dec 14, 2015
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This story discusses the actions of the San Borjense Association for the Protection of the Natural Environment, founded in 1987 in San Borja / RS / Brazil, which arose in the face of environmental degradation caused by the "Green Revolution" in the 60s and 70s. of environmental laws and plans in the municipality, in the implementation of the State Biological Reserve of San Donato, in representations with the Public Ministry to stagnate environmental impact actions and systematized the Sowing Project, whose actions were: Environmental education, implementation of a forest garden and a nursery of native seedlings. Environmental education activities consisted of workshops-lectures in the nursery nursery itself with students-multipliers, through the production of native seedlings, use of organic matter to obtain humus and conservation of biodiversity. Species such as pitangueira, canela- guaicá and iperoxo have been produced in the seedling nursery. The forest garden is characterized as an ecological corridor, where it has been enriched with native forest species. More than a thousand young people participated in the lecture-workshops; the distribution of native seedlings for arborization exceeded five thousand specimens; and the forest orchard has a higher biodiversity than the previous period of the area’s acquisition. ASPAN has become a benchmark in public regulation and environmental education in the region.


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