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Carlos Albrieu
Universidade Nacional da Patagonia Austral Asociación Ambiente Sur
Silvia Ferrari
Universidade Nacional da Patagonia Austral, Asociación Ambiente Sur
Germán Montero
Asociación Ambiente Sur, Municipalidade de Río Gallegos (R.Arxentina)
Vol. 01 No. 09-010 (2010), Trajectories and challenges, pages 81-97
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Migrant shorebirds are very sensitive to habitat changes, due to their dependence on a limited number of sites during their long migrations, where they concentrate in large numbers at a given moment. Thus, they require habitat management strategies, like the protection of critical areas and, especially, raising the awareness of the communities and in particular of the political decision-makers. In this context, the strategies and conservation actions taken during last ten years in the Gallegos river estuary are presented. This environment is of great value for these species, but it was being heavily impacted by the accelerated urbanization of the coast. The aim pursued was to modify the trend in the use of the coast and to improve the relationship between man and his environment. The work was carried out by means of an articulation with the governmental administrations, education sectors, individuals, and local and international NGOs. Among the results, the creation of two protected areas (provincial and urban), the enacting of a provincial Law of Conservation of Wetlands and Shorebirds, the recognition as Site of International Importance by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, and its declaration as AICA/IBA Site stand out.


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