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Pablo Montero Souto
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galicia-España)
Vol. 02 No. 08 (2009), Trajectories and challenges, pages 65-85
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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The Human Development Reports, published by the United Nations Development Program since the 1990’s, contain a set of important pedagogical referents to justify the need for a Social and Environmental Education of a markedly ethical, civic and political nature. Based on such a hypothesis, the reading of the concept of Human Development, institutionalized at the heart of the United Nations Organization, suggests that education must serve to widen the options of different people and social groups, offering each one the opportunity to lead a life they have reasons to value, so that the inhabitants of the planet may exercise the freedom to be who they are and take part in all the benefits of their development. In any case, these perspectives point to the project of an education that is meant to be essentially critical with the current models of wealth, growth, progress, social welfare, quality of life, etc., as well as with the generation of the alternatives that are to replace them.


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