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Aurelio García Loizaga
Ecología y Desarrollo (España)
Teresa Royo Luesma
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2009), Bank of best practices, pages 191-208
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Climate change is perceived as one of the biggest problems faced by Humanity. Gradually this perception is spreading to all areas of society. In this article we focus on domestic consumption and its relation to climate change. The context analysis has made us conclude that a useful tool for contributing to climate change mitigation from the area of domestic consumption is to offer consumers a simple, but objective and transparent about the corporate impacts on the climate. Some studies stress the public demand for information in this regard. On the other hand, should be noted that simple information is needed, as consumers also expressed to be overwhelmed by the information provided to them (label diversity, attention to environmental issues, social issues, health issues...). We have also found that people show a low credibility for the corporate messages on climate change, while relying mainly on scientist and environmental organizations. The project Piensaenclima, here presented, has analyzed the performance on climate change of the largest companies in five sectors of consumption and has delivered information in an easy.


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