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Evangelina Nucete Álvarez
Técnica de eficiencia energética de WWW-España (España)
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2009), Bank of best practices, pages 177-190
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Following the line iniciated in 2007 to achieve areas of work more sustainable with less carbon impact, WWF Spain presented at the end of 2008 campain “Efficient officies” through which it covers all kinds of entities, in particular small companies and third sector organisations, tools and practical guidance that will allow them to reduce their cardon dioxide emissions and improve energy management within their offices and centres of work. As a part of the project, WWF provides a Guide to save and provide energy efficient offices giving information to companies and organisations on the basic requirements and iniciate an energy efficient plan, including reduced energy consumption and reduced CO2 emissions. This guide includes a simple programme monitoring energy comsumption of equipment and instalations within buildings, together with other information promoting good practice and examples of responsible consumption among the workforce. (


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