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Verónica Campos
Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia-CEIDA (Galicia-España)
Araceli Serantes
Carlos Vales
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2009), Resources and social tools, pages 159-175
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Climate change is the main socio-environmental problem that faces our civilization. Its magnitude, rate and effect make a challenge for society due to its anthropological origin. Environmental education has the greatest achievement of finding solutions thus revising priority actions, setting up programs and subject areas of new scenarios. Following this line, Ceida, as a Galician centre of reference, is committed to lead education and dissemination measures in different spheres: training to take awareness of climate change, its causes and its global and local consequences; sensitising citizens and providing them with the resources required to take more responsible actions to energy saving and efficiency within normal life; and finally, with actions to make space for individual and collective compromise and participation.


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