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Beatriz Santamarina Campos
Universitat de València (España)
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2009), Theoretical frameworks, pages 69-85
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Valencia strategy in view of climate change (VECC) is the Generalitat Valenciana instrument to coordinate adaptation to this phenomenon and define other mitigation actions. VECC comprises of a group of 125 arrangements structured within 8 different fields to set up information measurements, communication, training and public cooperation. These are essential instruments to inform society of the complexity, importance and urgency on adequate behaviour and life styles to bring down greenhouse gases emissions.

It is necessary to typify the social representation of global warming within Valencia society and give this task an efficient and precise approach. Knowledge, perceptions, implicit theories, evaluations and social habits are the elements to work on in order to achieve management changes on human factors which take part in the climate imbalance. Environment, Water and Urbanism Ministry of the Generalitat Valenciana, in partnership with the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology in Valencia University, carried out research on the social perception of climate change within Valencia society. The purpose and summary of the study is gathered on this article.



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