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Ana Teresa López Pastor
Universidade de Valladolid (España)
Vol. 01 No. 07 (2009), Theoretical frameworks, pages 39-67
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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This article is the result of a research on social representation due to climate change. Three discussion teams were created, two were urban and one rural, so that both male and female citizens, youngsters and adults could discuss on the fact that identity, values and life style “a priori” are not defined on the basis of environment. The conclusions reached, highlighted the importance of urgent action on climate change, its increasing rate due to human society and the need for greater responsibility for governments and enterprises. Production system, consumer society, pace of life, commodity and lack of awareness, information and law reinforcement are all obstacles to changing attitudes and society customs. The ambivalence on obstacles and solutions is evident throughout the discussions, as well as the importance given to children and the well-established recycling and water culture. Finally, some proposals are presented in order to make pro gress on understanding the issues and the actions required.


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