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Camilo Ojea
Sociedade Galega de Educación Ambiental (Galiza-España)
Vol. 01 No. 05 (2008), Resources and social tools, pages 91-108
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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During the 2004-05 academic year, a programme was initiated to put into practice the processes of the 21 School Agenda in Galicia, promoted by the Environmental Council of the Regional Government (Xunta) of Galicia. Four years later, some 40 Galician infant, primaryand secondary schoolstake part in the “21 School Agenda in Galicia” (henceforth 21SAG), which is currently promoted by the Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (henceforth CESD) and the Council for Education and University Organisation (CEUO). There exist many similar programmes in places throughout the world. Within the Spanish state the projects i Barcelona (promoted by the City Council) and in Euskadi (by the Basque government)


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