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Manuel Antonio Fernández Domínguez
IES Arcebispo Xelmirez I-Santigo de Compostela (Galiza-España)
Vol. 01 No. 05 (2008), Trajectories and challenges, pages 71-82
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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Conservation of our natural areas more valuable is becoming a need not only ecologic or ethical, also socioeconomic, as in the right use of resources is the key of sustainable development.

Courel is one of the zones more emblematic of Galicia. It’s our “Mother Land” because in its woods and valleis takes root our imaginary colective of pristine Nature. Protection of its impoderable values is basic firstly for the comunities that live in it, but also for all the gallicians. Its conservation strategies will be obligated to frame into the plans that allow a honorable life for its population, without its natural or cultural riches will be affected. And I put special emphasis in this couple nature-culture like guide in the later reflexions around the central duo of this work: conservation-development.


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