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Matilde Cabrera Millet
Departamento de Medio Ambiente-Goberno de Aragón (España)
Vol. 02 No. 04 (2007), Bank of best practices, pages 125-136
Submitted: Jul 1, 2015
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The community initiative Interreg IIIA provided a framework for collaboration and the financial resources necessary in order to start a project of trans-border cooperation based on the protection of a threatened species within the fauna of the Pyrenees, the bearded vulture. The previous trajectory of the social bodies involved in the project has meant working in a scenario which exceeds the mere technocratic concept of protection, and also the objective of protection and the actors: managers, educators and inhabitants. The result has been the coordination between acts of management and acts of participation and communication, and the constitution of three networks of collaboration: the network of environmental monitoring, the network of territories in favour of biodiversity and the network of environmental education “For a Living Pyrenees”.


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