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Sonia Merino
Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimiento das Pescas (INDP) (Cabo Verde)
Sandra Correia
Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimiento das Pescas (INDP) (Cabo Verde)
Iolanda Cruz
Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimiento das Pescas (INDP) (Cabo Verde)
Maria Auxilia Correia
Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimiento das Pescas (INDP) (Cabo Verde)
Vol. 02 No. 04 (2007), Resources and social tools, pages 117-123
Submitted: Jul 1, 2015
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Sea turtles are species which are protected throughout the world, they are emigrant populations which are present throughout the world, and also in Cape Verde. We present a study which has as its objectives some knowledge of the existence of sea turtles in Cape Verde, the identification of the most frequently spotted species and the beaches and areas in which these are most common, and the major dangers which they face. This study also contemplates the social, economic and cultural contribution of sea turtles in the development of the local populations along with a campaign of social communication.


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