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Natalia Neira García
Centro de Documentación Domingo Quiroga-CEIDA
Ana Belén Pardo Cereijo
Centro de Documentación Domingo Quiroga-CEIDA
Verónica Pajón Jacobe
Centro de Documentación Domingo Quiroga-CEIDA
Vol. 01 No. 03 (2007), Resources and social tools, pages 89-97
Submitted: Jul 1, 2015
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The Domingo Quiroga Documentation Centre (Centro de Documentación Domingo Quiroga) is an institution specializing in the environment which, in the beginning, modelled itself on the documentation management system used by the CENEAM (National Centre for Environmental Education). The areas in which it specializes are Environmental Education, Sustainable Development and Conservation. The development of the Centre went through two different stages: during the first, work was oriented towards classifying and cataloguing its funds; during the current stage, besides the usual documentation work, it offers services such as the production of electronic newsletters summarizing the Centre’s latest acquisitions, which allow users to be better informed. The Centre is also part of the Network of Environmental Information and Documentation Centres (Rede de Centros de Información e Documentación Ambiental, RECIDA), which links environmental documentation professionals from most of the autonomous regions in the state.


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