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Putri Alfa Sobri Gabrina
Universidad de Córdoba
María-Elena Gómez-Parra
Universidad de Cordoba
Vol. 10 (2023), Artículos , Pages 198-221
Reçu: août 29, 2023 Accepté: déc. 9, 2023 Publié: déc. 26, 2023
Comment citer


The study explores the implementation of the PETaL approach as a strategy to cultivate Intercultural Education (IE) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Indonesia through the lens of kindergarten teachers. The study implemented Mixed Methods Approach (Creswell & Clark, 2017) to provide reliable data about how the PETaL approach is perceived by teachers, and how it is actually being executed in the ECE context in Indonesia. The implementation included four hours of interventions to train participating teachers about Intercultural Education and a thorough introduction to the PETaL approach. This study used interviews and semi-structured observations as the instruments of the research. The data analyzed reported positive feedback from kindergarten teachers regarding the implementation of the PETaL approach in the Indonesian context. In accordance to how this approach has been applied, the study reported medium to high success rate in the application of the PETaL approach as the mean value showed 1,21 out of 2 in average with moderate to high variations. Conclusions indicate that the PETaL approach had been applied well by participating teachers of ECE in Indonesia, adhering coherently to its principles. Nevertheless, further training and continuous guidance are needed to improve the pertinence level of implementation in the Indonesian context.


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