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Paula Sofía Marrodan
Instituto ESEADE
María Victoria Goicoechea-Gaona
Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
Vol. 9 (2022), Articles, pages 120-139
Submitted: May 24, 2022 Published: Dec 28, 2022
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It is common for native speakers of any language to convey ideas that reflect their opinion on a certain topic, be it through speaking or in writing. However, they sometimes struggle to make conscious use of the discourse, argumentative and grammatical elements that play a role in creating a coherent message as verbal activity. That is why, when teaching and guiding writing tasks in the classroom, teachers should put an emphasis on the usage and application of a range of different elements that come together and intertwine in a text. We refer, in particular, to text organizers known as connectors. Given the difficulties identified in texts written in Spanish as a mother tongue by our students of first year at university pursuing different degrees, we have carried out an analysis in order to determine the strategies to apply in our classroom. We have identified similar problems. Among these, we can mention the following: mistakes in the word choice and syntax order in the logical layout of paragraphs and sentences as a consequence of wrong choice of connector or its omission altogether. With the aim of maximizing our focus in this paper, we have chosen to zoom in on the performance of one university student, since this case is representative of his classmates’ writing. This analysis should help us select the contents to teach and design an educational proposal.


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