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Jesús Tenorio del Río
Universidad Internacional de Valencia-VIU
Noelia Leite Cosque
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 8 (2021), Didaxis, pages 164-179
Submitted: Jul 26, 2021 Published: Dec 29, 2021
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One of the challenges present in the music classroom lies in the understanding and assimilation of musical intervals. This proposal, aimed especially at secondary school pupils, seeks to present a tool designed for the association of musical intervals with elements present in the students’ environment. Therefore, this approach focuses on enhancing their understanding, retention and association significantly, linking these contents to other components present in the students’ surroundings. In order to do this, it is necessary to carry out an auditory training in which this content is developed. The use of these acoustic sources, which are listened to regularly and clearly encoded in their mental processes, optimizes the time spent on their study. In addition, gamification has a positive impact on the willingness of students to face new challenges in their education. Within the windows of opportunity that this methodology offers, the educational breakout games, recently developed, are one of the most appropriate tools for experiential learning. That is why, apart from the explanation of music intervals and their species, students will be required to look for examples of intervals in the music they usually consume as part of a contest. Subsequently, their performance will be reinforced in an auditory, visual and theoretical way through the breakout game.


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