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Sila Díaz Moreno
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 1 (2014), Didaxis, pages 202-217
Submitted: Jul 24, 2018 Published: Sep 17, 2018
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Early Childhood Education is one of the most important stages in the foundation of children's personality. It is at this moment when the foundations of all the knowledge acquired throughout life are created. The stories are one of the most effective tools, together with the symbolic games, to achieve a complete development of the learner in the first years of schooling (Bassedas, Huguet and Solé, 2006). This article presents the main sections of the written work, which accompanies the dramatization of the story The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen and the link to the video of the performance, made by the students of the last year of Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, in the Faculty of Education (University of A Coruña). This dramatization was designed to take place in Pre-Primary Schools with the aim of transmitting to children among three and six years old, values such as solidarity and compassion, as well as an approach to such an important topic as death, considered taboo in many schools (De la Herrán, nd).


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Bassedas, E., Huguet, T. y Solé, I. (2006). Aprender y enseñar en Educación Infantil. Barcelona: GRAÓ.

Cosentino, R. y Palacios, F. (2013). La pequeña cerillera. Narración musical inspirada en el cuento del famoso escritor Hans Christian Andersen. Recuperado de:

De la Herrán, A. (s.f.). La muerte y su didáctica en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. Recuperado de:

Del Pozzo, Mª.L. (2010). Debussy: al claro de la luna. Recuperado de:

Gòdia, A. y Morales, J. (2004). La pequeña cerillera. Madrid: Anaya.

Wullschlager, J. (2000). The life of a storyteller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press ed.