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Blanca Moreno Fontela
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vol. 1 (2014), Articles, pages 59-84
Submitted: May 30, 2018 Published: Sep 17, 2018
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A comparative analysis between the graphic novel set in the antechamber of the war in Iraq Quai d'Orsay: diplomatic chronicles (Volume 1 and volume 2) by Lanzac and Blain and his feature film, directed by Tavernier is offered. First, the importance of the literary genre of comics in France, unlike Spain, is shown. Next, the comic is presented in a detailed way, then the film, analyzing the various aspects which are modified or suppressed when taking the novel to the big screen. It highlights both the modification of characters and the elimination of events. Finally, the international political crises that take place in the comic are revealed, all of them true but somewhat modified and hidden under a pseudonym.


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Delisle, G (2009) PYONGYANG Bilbao: Astiberri ediciones.

Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2010). QUAI D'ORSAY. Crónicas diplomáticas. Tome 1. Paris: Dargaud.

Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2010). QUAI D'ORSAY. Crónicas diplomáticas. Tome 1. London New York:

SelfMadeHero Abrams.

Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2011). QUAI D'ORSAY. Crónicas diplomáticas. Tomo 1.Barcelona: NORMA


Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2011). QUAI D'ORSAY. Crónicas diplomáticas. Tome 2. Paris: Dargaud.

Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2011). Weapons of Mass Diplomacy. London New York: SelfMadeHero


Lanzac, A. y Blain, C. (2012). QUAI D'ORSAY. Crónicas diplomáticas. Tomo 2. Barcelona:

NORMA Editorial.

Sacco, J. (2010 ). Notas al pie de Gaza. Barcelona: Random House.

Satrapi, M. (2000-2003) Persépolis, París: L'Association.

Satrapi, M. (2007). Persépolis. Barcelona: NORMA Editorial.

Spiegelman, A. (2007) Maus: historia de un superviviente.

Barcelona: Random House.

Tian (2012) El año del conejo: adios Phnom Penh Barcelona: Sins Entido.

Artículos en la web

Wald Lasowski, (2012) A. Bertrand Tavernier: « Les écrivains tiennent une grande place dans mes films » Le Magazine Littéraire Última consulta 14-10-2014. Recuperado de

Norot, An (2010) BD. Christophe Blain dans les coulisses de Quai d'Orsay. Les inRocks Última

consulta 14-10-2014. Recuperado de

Página de los premios Angouleme

Página web oficial del Festival Internacional del cómic de Angoulême. Recuperado de

Tavernier, B. (director) (2013) Quai d'Orsay. Chroniques diplomatiques [Humor]. Francia: Pathé

Production y Little Bear.