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Laura Viqueira-Gutiérrez
Universidade da Coruña
Silvia López-Larrosa
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017), Articles, pages 58-63
Submitted: Apr 10, 2017 Accepted: Jun 28, 2017 Published: Jul 1, 2017
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Our research explores whether parental divorce is related to University students’ family stress and satisfaction and to the quality and frequency of parent-children relationships. Participants were 147 first year undergraduate students enrolled in Primary education, Social education, Philology, Sociology and Speech therapy courses at Universidade da Coruña.  Results showed that those students whose parents were divorced had significantly higher family stress, lower family satisfaction, and, the quality and the quantity of parent-child relationships were lower compared to students whose parents were married.  These results could relate to divorce’s long term effects and show differences in the family context conditions of students whose parents are divorced compared to those whose parents remain married.


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