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  • Silvina Lopez Lema
Silvina Lopez Lema
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): , Articles, pages 41-54
Submitted: Dec 15, 2023 Accepted: Dec 29, 2023 Published: Feb 29, 2024
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Ever since the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela by Jimena de Asturias and her husband Alfonso III the Great, the St James Way has been travelled by women. In recent years, the number of women travellers has surpassed the number of men making the journey along the so-called English Way, indicating the pilgrimage route’s high popularity among female travellers. The aim of this article is to identify the main motivations among women who travel the English Way alone using an analysis of push and pull factors. The data for the study were collected from 699 surveys of people on the route in 2022. The sample was used to analyse solo women travellers’ motivations compared to those of women travelling with other people. An exploratory analysis of spending was also carried out, together with an assessment of satisfaction with key factors such as safety and hospitality.


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