Innovation in language tourism: examining the synergy between experiential events and second language acquisition
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This research examines the transformative potential of experiential learning during a short-term holiday in the UK for young learners of English. The study explores the multifaceted impact of different activities, such as cultural workshops, guided tours and everyday interactions, on second language (English) acquisition and personal development. Using a mixed-method approach, the study combines surveys of learners and group leaders with interviews with industry professionals in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape and perceived effectiveness of experiential learning models in UK language tourism. The results reveal a wide range of activities that promote authentic communication and cultural immersion, resulting in high levels of satisfaction among learners and group leaders. Experiential learning is perceived to significantly improve language skills, increase confidence and promote personal growth in terms of resilience, open-mindedness and independence. The qualitative data further underline the importance of dynamic learning environments, intercultural exchange and the role of educators in facilitating meaningful learning experiences. The research also recognises the logistical challenges associated with implementing experiential learning activities and highlights the need for careful planning, adaptability and clear communication. The findings of this study provide empirical evidence to support the effectiveness of experiential learning approaches in study leave programmes. The study offers practical implications for improving the quality and impact of such programmes, advocating a holistic approach that integrates diverse activities, prioritises learner-centred design and promotes intercultural interaction. By harnessing the power of experiential learning and innovation, language tourism service providers can create transformative experiences that empower learners to achieve their language goals and thrive in an interconnected world.
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