Exploring dynamics of entrepreneurship in Ecuadorian tourism: educational level and cultural motivation
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This study explores the relationship between educational level, cultural motivation and tourism entrepreneurship in Manabí, Ecuador in order to contribute to the debate on entrepreneurship dynamics in tourism contexts and propose strategies for the promotion of socioeconomic development in Ecuador. The research used surveys of entrepreneurs and multivariate statistical analysis techniques to identify two clusters: ‘Culture-Driven Entrepreneurs’ and ‘Work-Driven Entrepreneurs’. The first cluster, comprising entrepreneurs with higher education and deeply rooted cultural motivations, exhibits greater business stability and job creation capacity. In contrast, the second cluster, consisting of entrepreneurs with lower educational levels, is primarily motivated by economic necessity and faces significant structural challenges and lower business consolidation. The results underline the need for differentiated policies that strengthen entrepreneurial skills from a cultural perspective and reduce economic vulnerability in order to foster sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems.
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