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Alejandra Ramírez Segado
Universidad de Granada
María Rodríguez Serrano
Universidad de Granada
Alicia Benarroch Benarroch
Universidad de Granada
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023), Research in science education
Submitted: Oct 2, 2022 Accepted: Jan 23, 2023 Published: Jul 3, 2023
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Since the middle of the twentieth century, water resource management policies have been based on so-called supply strategies, designed to meet the growing demand for water. The New Water Culture proposes an alternative, sustainable approach to water and water resource management. This article examines the trends observed in the water management-related decisions of ten political leaders in the Autonomous City of Melilla, as a basis for bringing water-related learning and debate into the classroom. The information for the study was gathered through a series of interviews. The results show that the interviewees have extensive knowledge about water, water-related issues and water management. The findings suggest that the responses collected in this study may be a useful way of introducing this issue into the classroom in the form of a socio-scientific conflict aimed at encouraging critical thinking and scientific literacy.


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